I'm sorry for not updating for so long... It's my schedule... My hell of a busy schedule besides the disturbing stresses of upcoming examinations...
I want to confess something here... I know it's kinda late.... I'M ADDICTED TO DOTA!!! (Yes, it's true and I don't know why...)
Mahen, Iyngy, Pats, and the whole rest of the semester 3 students have finished their AS exams as well as people from SAM like who have also finished their major exams... All that's left in INTI is just...... nothing, yeah...... nothing!!!
So, since I'm addicted to DOTA now, it's kinda like a very bad news because I have not been studying, but playing DOTA instead... The same goes to Shaun and Mahen who have also became DOTA freaks... Courtesy of Pats...
It's gonna be our finals in 1 week time... I'm not even prepared for it... I remembered this exact time during last semester... We were studying, doing pass year questions and not doing anything else... But look at us now, its in a week's time and we are still playing DOTA!!! I can't imagine the outcome of my exams, especially Chemistry because of the 'trauma' I had last semester...
I think that's it for now...
Currently reading ...
- House Rules by Jodie Picoult
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Exams again...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 11/22/2008 1 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Blogging In The Class...
Well, nothing much to do... So decided to crap post in class.. Hehehehe... Shortest post ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Teacher's coming by the way...). Jeanette is asking t o type more, Avin;s talkng to Wei Wern... Sailesh is doing something... I have no idea!!! Sutesh is repeating every single word I typed... Tuck Leong is sitting and sleeping at the same time!!! Cool Class!!!!!!!!!!! Tat;s all for now... Chow!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 11/10/2008 2 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Beware... They're small, they're deadly...
Mahendrah, my close friend in INTI was admitted into Pantai Hospital Melaka... The reason???
I still remember the day, it was like a week ago.... It was a Friday... I was starving as I walked to Block K to meet up with the fellas for dinner... As I stepped into Shiva's room, I sensed something wrong... Mahen wasn't his usual self... He was shivering under a very thick sheet of blanket and a sweater... Usually, he will be the one sitting in front of the computer or maybe the first one to hit me with mom jokes... Apparently, he was very ill...
We watched Never Back Down that night in Shiva's room... Mahen was in the next room, sleeping... It wasn't fun without him though... But the movie's really really good... So, it was ok...
The next day... I went to K Block common room to study, half expecting Mahen to be himself again, to be like what he used to be, to be healthy...
He wasn't there, he went back to Malacca... There were only Shaun and me... It was very quiet... The sad thing is that Mahen's condition has worsened...
It's only until a few days ago when I heard that Mahen got DENGUE FEVER!!! He was admitted... According to Shaun, his condition was very bad...
So... everybody out there... Be careful... Stay away from dark places and avoid having morning or even evening walks near grassy and dirty areas... Take care of yourself... Don't end up like Mahen here...
One more thing though... His medical bill came to around 3 thousand bucks... So, avoid getting bitten by Aedes mosquitoes and avoid losing your money... Sometimes even your life...
That's all for now... Chow!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 10/11/2008 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
A puny decision... To regret or not to regret ...
I decided to spend this weekend in INTI... The bottom line is that I'm going to stay here during the weekend, with nobody accompanying me... The guys have went back this weekend and I'm alone to endure these lifeless two days... However, to add to the good side of it; I can study more during this weekend to replenish the amount of time wasted on pool and certainly movies...
I'm actually posting this on Ruban's laptop (He is having some problems with his stomache and err... you know... have something to do in the toilet...). Tonight's dinner and plans will be me and him... That's all... Nobody else... Nothing much to do... Luckily he stayed back though, but the sad thing is he is leaving tomorrow, to Malacca... Urghhh, I will be completely alone!!!
It's only a week since the last time I was in my house so I decided to not trouble my parents by asking them to fetch me or something like that because apparently they have things to do... More important things... So, staying back is the best choice...
Yesterday, I had Low asking me whether or not to follow him back in his car... When he said that, the 'things' just popped out in my mind... They were like smaller versions of me in my head... There was a good version and a bad version... Let's name the good one 'Fatboy' and the bad one 'Fat ass'... Once Low popped the question, it was like Fatboy stuck a finger into my face asking me to stay back and study... To be a better person and to do better in tests and exams... However, Fat Ass showed the other version of me the finger and... ermm... sort of said :" Screw you , go back home, Raymond Koh!!!" So, the thing is that Fatboy, in some very special way( I dunno what way, it's just something...), won the fight... So, you know what???!!! I'm stuck here in INTI... ALONE!!!!!!!
So, I guess that's it folks... That's all now... Bye
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 10/10/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Update on fellow Intians...
Since I got my good friend a.k.a my camera with me, I'll put more pictures and videos on this blog... So, wait up for my next posts people!!! These are some very meaningful pictures on some of my closest friends in INTI-UC...( Though some are my classmates since secondary school...)This is Ruban... The lazy and ego one... Always carefree and kind... Always there when you need him... But sometimes he won't!!! LOL
This is.... Shaun Thomas in a mask!!! Haha, it's Shaun trying to change his facial appearances... I think everybody in STSD knows Shaun rite, no doubt about that, the head prefect!
This is Harpreet... The cool one... He was shaving when I took this, that's why he turned away... But beware, he is super cool.... One more thing, very brave, except for one thing... Roaches!!! No roaches for him or he'll cry like a girl...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 10/07/2008 2 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Got to bring my camera... YAY!!!
Uh... Finally, my dad allowed me to bring my camera to INTI after so long... Mainly because of the assurance I gave him that INTI IS SAFE!!! Well, I don't think I wanna waste my time and effort typing stuff, I think I'll let my pictures tell the story... Remember my post about my room??? Now you can see for yourself how small is small... LOL...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 10/05/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
September... The month of birthdays...
First and foremost, I wanna say sorry for not updating my blog for such a long time... I was lazy and I had nothing to blog about, it was like a blogger's nightmare, when you don't know what you are writing and stuff like that... Yew... Creepy!!!
Okay, it's the end of September now. Like the title suggests, this is a month of birthdays! First of all is my friend, Sandra Lee's birthday on the 22nd, then my mum's on the 23rd, followed by my classmates', Nisha's and Pei Xin's on the 24th and 25th, then my dad's on the 27th... That's cool!!! Guess who's the lucky person this month... Nisha's the egg girl for her 18th birthday... Wow!! That's revolutionary... First Sailesh, then it's Nisha!!! How.......'creative' of them to think of such a celebration... They did the egg thing in the Dining Hall, that's the worst part! Nobody cleaned the eggs and they went dry till they smelled the next day... Yew!!! I'm speechless about all these absurd celebrations, they're like... I don't know... Dumb???!!!( Sorry, no pun intended, but they are, right Nisha???)
Then, lets move on to some movies. The latest I've watched is Never Back Down... IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOLLLLL!!!!!! It's my favourite movie this year... However, the sad thing is it's an independent film, so it's not released in Malaysia... But to my friends out there, I strongly suggest that you download the movie from the net or something... As for fight fans, if you miss this, it'll be like missing a part of your life... I don't want to share the synopsis of the story as I want you all to watch the thing... So please please please watch it or you'll regret!!! One more thing, this film has also inspired me to work out as well as toning up my fat body... LOL. Well, to everybody that has watched it, you guys will know what I'm talking about...
Okay, I think that's all for now. Chow!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 9/24/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It was ok...
I'm talking about the performance I had with 'Iyngaran and the band'... It was last Sunday in the Sports Hall of INTI-UC... I was surprised at the amount of audience at the place... Really awed at the 'big' audience in the hall.. There were only 86 of them!!! Wow!!!
It was an event called the 30-hours famine and it was organised by the students in INTI... This event was Chinese based and I thought that it was supposed to be some sort of an international organisation... The best thing is 2 of the performers, which are Mahen and Iyngaran... They are Indians, which means that they can't really understand and speak Chinese... These organising people are considerate enough to switch the language to English...( People, you have my respect, thanks for doing that!)
After our performance were some magic shows and a little of JUDO-like performance lah...
Then, we got our souvenirs and drinks after the whole event... I did not expect that too... They are really kind...
I think that's it for the event... Will blog later.. So chow!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 9/17/2008 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Singing... again...
It's Friday... I'm sitting in my room... It's right after 10 p.m. now... I've been in my room since 1 in the afternoon.... I'm freaking bored!!! I'm gonna die from boredom!!! This is the major fact that's controlling every single emotional aspects that's in me for the moment... I've watched 2 movies since 1... Back to back, it was The Love Guru and 1408... Both are movies that have been watched over and over again... But, what am I to do anything about this? I'm the one that had made the decision to stay for the weekend in college... I'm so dumb, should have took a bus home instead... Stupid me!!!
Well, I had my Biology quiz yesterday and I did quite ok, got 33/40 considering the fact that I did not study at all. I was busy doing my Moral Studies assignment the whole day... About the shit task, god knows how i feel... I know every single person given the assignment were having sleepless nights and stuff like that... It's a known fact that there are lecturers that are super crappy like this particular one, Mr. Tamil, our MPW lecturer... He's a cool guy, very cheerful, have perfect teaching skills, and not forgetting the superb joviality stored in his big head. However, everything's good must have a bad side to it. This is it... Assignments!!! Too much to do in too little time, I can't live with that... Can
Moving on to the title of this post, I'm singing again! Yay!!! But this time it's not in church... It's for the 30 hour famine programme INTI-UC have organized... This is the programme where people gotta fast and not consume anything for 30 hours( Holy shit!!! I'll be buried by the time I reach the 10 hours mark...)
Well, Iyngaran, Mahen, Patrick and I are performing on this Sunday in INTI's sports hall... It's for the 'hungry ghosts' that will be fasting for the programme... Wait a minute........ These performance will be like those street stage performances during the hungry ghost month lah!!! What the hell???!!! Anyways, I'm nervous for the performance since I have not sang for the past few months... Hoping for the best...
That's all folks, chow...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 9/12/2008 2 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Very very frustrated!!!
The new ball is......NICE!!! Perfectto i might say... After using it for the first time, it felt so good... Put in quite many baskets with it also...
Well, the main idea behind the title is pointed towards my chess... After more than half a year without serious chess playing, I'm now worse than ever!!! I played a game online yesterday and I lost to a guy with a 1230 rating!!! How is that possible??? Though I'm like 1402 the last time I played online, now my rating has gone down to a sad 1334...
Frustrated.... Still frustrated... In fact, I can't type much right now... My mind is temporarily filled with anger and self-disgust now! Till next time, chow... Haizzzz
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 9/04/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Dream came true...
Yay!!! Guess what... Somebody's got a new ball... Guess who... Who else???!!!... Come on... You can do better than this...( Are there people so dumb that they can't even guess who it is???!!!).. Aiyo, ME lah!!!
Ok! This is very very lame. Before I proceed to the fundamentals of the new ball, It's a new basketball... Not the other ball you perverted people think of OK!!!Yes! A basketball.
Well, you probably think that it's nothing much, getting a new ball... Some will say that it's just a ball... This is where many have gone wrong, its not just a ball... It's THE ball... MOLTEN GE7... Yeah, the FIBA official ball!!! I just got it yesterday when my dad decided that I need a new ball since my old one has the potential to kill( Since it's so hard and dirty)... So, we went to the nearby sports complex to find for this thingy... We got to the sports shop and there it was, sitting nicely on the highest ball holder... It's 12 panel, has official weight and 4228 pebbles all over it( I doubt they really count them)...
Tomorrow's Wednesday a.k.a basketball day... So, I'm dying to try my new ball... Hope I can get used to it since a ball with a good grip is the root to a good shooter( That's the position I play, shooting guard... Since god gave me a 5'7 frame... This basically indicats that I can only play either a shooting guard or a point guard because of my short stature...Sad...)
Well, that's it, I'll describe what it feels like after using my new ball tomorrow... Chow!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 9/02/2008 6 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Egg Boy
Today is Tuesday... It's 26th of August... It's the day where a guy finally turns into...ermm...( I can't say 'a man' because he's only 17)... a 17 year old guy!!! LOL... Yeah, that's right people, all rise as this is the most prosperous day of the week, the day where this guy becomes a lil' bit taller, a lil' bit bigger in size( Will never ever happen, a stick will always remain a stick), and a lil' wiser... Yes people!!! It's Sailesh's birthday!!! Happy Birthday Sailesh!!!
First of all, let me do a brief unofficial introduction... Sailesh a.k.a brains on a stick ( oopss... don't kill me Sailesh... That's what you are...) is a freaking genius. He's one of the best students in class, if not the best, because there are also many brainy people in my class( that includes you too Chia Ren, don't ever pretend you don't know!And then give me the finger a matter of seconds later k!!!)
Sailesh is also very very muscular( ehem...), he has claimed himself to be the next Sazali a.k.a Mr. Universe...( You know, this is the guy with a big body and a small head)... This future Sazali has been using my dumbbells since...ermm...god knows when. He has the physique that can kill, the muscle that bulge like hills, and the brains to go with it... He is also a very good badminton player... I think everyone knows that... What a deadly combination!!! Actually, Mr. Sai here is a nice humble guy besides being too hardworking... Anyone wanna know his daily routine??? OK! This guy sleeps at almost 2 every night, wakes up at 6.30 every morning despite the fact that classes don't start that early, studies from 6.40a.m till 7.40a.m, then studies again after class, continue studying after dinner, which is from approximately 8p.m to 2p.m... See what I mean???!!! This is too hardworking people!!! Even I need extra conformation to settle the fact that he is a human being...
OK... Besides all that, I don't think anyone will have doubts about the wonders he can do with his studies right?! So I,m not going to further elaborate on that... Let's move on the the title of the post... Let the story begin... muhahahaha...
It was chilly as the cool wind blows like sea breeze into our hostel rooms... Well, yeah, I'm talking about last night... It was about 10 at night when Chia Ren a.k.a my boss (without a doubt another smart a**) came to my room. He was bored and had nothing to do, so he decided to come my room to have some chat... We talked about Statistics' questions and... guess what... Sailesh's study routine!!! Lol... That is when we decided to go and disturb him in his room... As Chia Ren opened my door, we saw Sailesh already, strolling along the corridor like what he's used to doing for the past few months after too much of studying... What a coincidence!!! He then came to my room and we talked and talked until Avin( another big boss of mine... P.s: I have many bosses as I'm working in many companies...LOL) send me a message on MSN about Sailesh's surprise birthday party... When I first got the message, I was blur a little as I was totally out of the plan and I don't know what was going on... After some time , I got to know that Sailesh's birthday is coming very soon, in a matter of minutes, that is... I shut the screen straight away as the the guy was in my room, talking to Chia Ren... Luckily he didn't see anything... Then, Santhi( another brainy girl in class) sent me a message asking me about Sailesh's condition and asking me to bring my scissors at the same time( You guys know what was on my mind?! This guy is gonna celebrate his birthday soon and what are they going to do with a pair of scissors? Are they gonna cut something of his off????!!! )...
These guys came up with a plan that Santhini( I don't know if that's spelled correctly) and Pun......nitha( LOL) have lost their phones, and they were asking Sailesh to find the phones with his torchlight!!! How brilliant... I brought Sailesh to the place where we were supposed to meet(one of INTI's basketball courts)... They were there, as planned. Punitha was crying( of course... it's all acting) because of the fact that she 'lost her phone'... Sailesh started to have doubts as the situation gets a lil' bit out of hand... He actually thought that we were tricking him to step out of INTI-UC( warning: this action is strictly prohibited by Sailesh's dad!)... I hanged on the best I can and I need someone to stab my leg to keep myself from laughing...
Seconds passed and there was a light... Yeah! The light... I saw the light...Sailesh saw the light... Everyone saw the light... Does this means that we're dying??? The light was getting brighter and brighter.... OMG!! We're gonna die!!!
Aiyo, no lah, it's just Avin and the gang carrying Sailesh's birthday cake with candles lit on top of it, ascending the stairs... LOL!!! Sailesh saw that and was a lil' bit surprised... But the cake nearly went upside down and the fire on the candles were out. The whole place was dark again... Haizzz... I was speechless... I seriously thought that Sailesh's cake will be on the floor...
Guess what after that?! Photo time!!! Punitha, Santhi, Santhini, and Punitha were the first persons to have a group photo with the birthday boy... As Sutesh was about to take the lovely picture, something totally unexpected happened...
Yes! You've guessed it, it's on the title... They cracked eggs on Sailesh's head!!! Hehe, everything there was like... ermm... very...... eggy?? Haha, everywhere smelled of eggs... It was a little disturbing to see the birthday boy covered in byproducts of chicken reproduction...LOL! Well, we had the cake and it was good, I don't know where they bought it but it was good... After that, we went back to our rooms after a few pictures... Imagine what poor Sailesh have gone through yesterday night... Washing and washing and washing...
Well, that's it folks, till next time, see ya!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 8/26/2008 11 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Reverse Inspiration
Anybody heard about this before? Well, I derived this term from my big numbing mind here. Well, Mel, this is your post.... Ok!!!???
Everybody, this post is entirely dedicated to my dear friend, Melanie Oh. I'm sure people in STSD know her. Yeah yeah, very popular lah... She's been the girl that had dated numerous guys that people can't think off, these ranges from Hans, Wang Shyun Cheng, Raymond Yeow....... and many more that I can't think of at this moment... LOL! Well, some of these people are real, but some are just rumors, its' up to you guys to decipher and deviate the truth... This girl was also famous for her show-stopping body, she has the height and the likes to be a model( Friends out there should know what I mean)...
Guys out there, I know many of you wanna date her and even have her as your girlfriend, but the thing is...... she's taken. LOL! The lucky guy is my good friend too, he's not to be messed with, he's not to be fondled with, he is the ever quick fencer, the one that can strip you off your boxers if you come too close to his blade... Haha, yes of course... He's Ruihan. Mel's one and only sweetheart. One of them is in Malaysia and the other one in Singapore... Imagine that, even I can't go on with a long distance relationship like that... This kinda thingy defines the term people!!! Danielle baby, even with you in KL making me miss you so much... Wanna meet you soon...
OK! Let's move on to the meaning of this title. Melanie have never blogged before... She started only last week... But if anyone of you wanna check out her blog, it's in my links... So better go check out and comment! I won't be surprised that her blog will win your heart in a matter of seconds... This had inspired me to blog better. Look at this thing here, it's been around for a while, but it's like a zombie blog... Half alive and all... So, this is what I meant by reverse inspiration. According to Mel, she said I inspired her to start a blog, however, she managed her blog very very nicely. So, now, she inspired me to keep my blog alive...
Well, folks, that's it. Mel... This is the post you were asking for,happy now???!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 8/25/2008 3 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Greetings, readers of this undead blog or should I say the devoted people who finds the time to read everything that's in this big head of mine. Well, I thank you. I've been blogging for quite some time now and only recently I've found out that they are actually people reading my blog!!! They even leave comments... Thank you again!
It's Saturday today and it's the second week of my 'long' semester break...(Well, yeah, it's my last day here...). During this 'tremendously ample' holidays, I've been reading, sleeping, playing and finally( Let's not forget the factor that makes me who I am....)eating of course... We've gone to Penang for my mum's convocation in USM( Do never say that it's too old to graduate ok...). We took a freakishly long 6-hour drive and it was like hell!!! The trip on a land moving vehicle was a mistake, should have flew there( Better, faster, and more comforting, but the sad thing is money don't grow on trees.LOL) During the excruciatingly boring and mind numbing drive there, we've passed infinite numbers of trees, and not forgetting the limestone hills somewhere in Ipoh. Well,lets move on and put things on fast forward...
We've reached Penang after like 6 hours of infinite boredom. The first thing we ate there was the famous Penang fried kuay teow. Everything was nice and freaking scrumptious except that it's also freaking expensive... Imagine that, RM5.50 for a small plate, 6.50 for medium and 8 bucks for a large one... My dad's wallet took a serious dent from the lunch as we payed RM 32 for a lunch which consisted of very little fried kuay teow... We weren't even slightly full after that... Had no choice but to get something at Dunkin' Donuts later...
The convocation was....... I don't know.......... boring..??? Well, something close to that... It was merely the act of the pro-chancellor( that's what they call the 'big guy') giving certificates to graduates repeating over and over again.* Tell me this is not boring* After that, we spent the rest of he day traveling around the small state. Nothing much to say about that though...
Well, lets get to what my title suppose to mean... Relief...
I got my results... It wasn't what I hoped for... But the good side to it is that I PASSED MY MPW EXAM!!! I'm relieved now that I don't need to resit the same lame subject during the next semester... Hurray!!! One more thing I'm happy about is that I passed the percentage margin for my scholarship... It means that I'm still going under scholarship... Hurray!!! again...
Well, that's basically all lah... Till next time, chow...
*This post was intended to be before the reverse inspiration post so please read this post first ok??!!!*
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 8/22/2008 2 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I'm Done...
Yay!!! It's finally over! My first semester in INTI-UC is over and I'm liking it... It's the semester break now and I just got home on Saturday. Unlike everybody else who have no worries on their minds, I have a growth, a tumour of guilt, and a shadow of self-hate deep in the dark corner of my head... Because of all the leisure, and because of all the unnecessary entertainment that I have had before the semester exams, I think I might lose my merit scholarship that I have acquired from INTI-UC. And that's not the end to it, I'm sure I would resit my Malaysian Studies for the next semester... This is due to my bad performance in class( tests, quizzes, e.t.c) which have pulled my course work down to where the dinosaurs laid.... 31.2 out of 60.. Imagine that. I have nothing else to say about that as I screwed up during my exams on that particular subject... Then, let's move on to Chemistry...
Chemistry exams was on last Tuesday... I dreaded this particular paper from before so I kept on revising for Chemistry during the week before exams... However, I got freaking sick on Monday, which is the day before the Chemistry paper!!! I felt like I would die anytime that day and worst of all, I had no time to study and thus no last preparation made also... WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS???!!! Why??? Why was I sick on that particular day??? And on top of that, I lost my singing voice!!! This is due to my cough after the fever on Monday, and it's still not cured!!! What would you feel if your personal greatest asset have been taken from you.... forever??? However, I'll try my best to regain my voice this coming Sunday as I would get some vocal treatment from my coach...
OK OK OK OK!!! I'll lose all that negativity now! Well, I'm happy that it's the semester breaks now and I'll get my deserved rest as much as possible. I think that's it folks... Till next time, chow...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 8/10/2008 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Haunted Mansion
Yay, it's Friday again... But, this weekend will be a very very bad one, since my Biology test is on next Tuesday and I haven't even started studying yet... To be truthful, my performance is really going downhill for the pass few months... The reason??? I don't know, maybe it's because of my 'super-divided' attention in class! Nowadays, I find it really difficult to fully concentrate in class( I have no idea why this is happening at all!!!) And it's freaking me out. Instead of listening and get all important facts into my head here, I would think about the things I'm gonna do after class, the food I'm gonna eat, movies I've watched lately, and some other useless stuff that are not worth thinking... People out there, it's S.O.S, I need your help!!! Please!!! This is a plea from a very very desperate person! I need guidance on how to improve one's concentration in doing something.
OK! Let's put that aside, INTI college's most successful club, a.k.a the STACT Club have organized the Haunted Mansion event this week... Well, Avin, his roommate, Suthes, Sailesh( amazingly a miracle that this guy would come, he's the best 'budak baik' material),Adrien, Santhi, Jeanette,Michelle, and me decided to go for this thingy yesterday... Well, at the entrance, the petite Michelle was ' too scared' to go in. So, Avin said it's ok, we'll go without her because we don't wanna force her in... However we managed to pull Jeanette in.They only let 4 to go in at once, so it's like a team... My team consisted of Santhi, Jeanette, Suthes and I... We went in first. After a few steps in, a black figure under a cloak was squatting by the side of a cardboard box that was used as a wall.( Everything in there were derived from trees, like newspapers, cardboard boxes and stuff like that). I was a little bit uncomfortable as the figure( a.k.a an INTI student in black cloth) moved slowly, creeping towards me... Jeanette, who was beside me didn't see the thing at first and was still in the " scary-blur" mode, however, the instant she saw the figure, she screamed like mad and pulled my shirt at the same time.( That's so cool, even I can't multitask like that.) First of all, she screamed like she just saw a ghost!!!( Eerrrrr, that's exactly what she saw!!! Isn't it?... Lol, I can be stupid sometimes!)It's just the first ghost and the whole hall was filled with her voice for a moment! Secondly, she grab my T-shirt by the side( sleeve)and pulled it like that's the thing that's gonna keep her alive( Actually, she's taking me as a pillow because of my size, and pulling me as to cover her up!! What the hell???!!!) Thanks so much to her, I look like a freaking beggar with a super-loose shirt!!! This incident really helped me increase my shirt size which I don't really need... Well, forget about me, at the same time, my dear Suthes had been pulled also! Only this time, it's below his armpit (I think)... Jeanette did him a favour too.... His shirt got torn!!! LOL... Pity poor Suthes, luckily he's a guy! Then, we moved on till an instance where we can see Avin( my big abang) and gang came in to join us... This literally indicates that we are moving to slow!!! Well, I really enjoyed their company as Jeanette was a non-stop screaming machine!!! She really calmed down once the others joined us because of the protective powers of the BIG BOSS!!!( Avin)... We endured the first course safely till we reached a temporary platform of the whole event... The members of STACT Club are really 'smart' lah, guess what they put on show here... Ghost Movie!!! So predictable... It was Ju-On, I think. There was also a 'ghost' moving around under an umbrella... This fella really scared the shit out of Jeanette!!! She jumped 3 chairs just to avoid him! Then, he sat right next to me and Santhi( supposedly the girl with the best guts). She took photos of the 'ghost' non-stop till there's a stage where she stood in front of him to take a good photo of his face. The guy looked straight into her camera, she said "Wah, good picture!!!" But, the ghost suddenly and forcefully stood up, looking straight into her eyes. She got so freaked out that she screamed too!!! LOL... I gotta give him the credit for that trick! Then, after the movie, we had to go into the next course, only this time there should be only 4 of us... However, since Jeanette was so so scared, the guys let 8 of us in at once. Just right next to the door of the entrance, another ghostly figure was standing and moving slowly to left and right. I was cool with that, but as soon as Adrian came in, the ghost touched him. Adrian was frightened and he jumped!!! Hahaha, everybody knew from his face that he was terrified... Then, everything was ok till a stage where there are tires all around. I walked first into the thing, and I don't even know that there were ghosts everywhere, luckily they sat still and let the first person pass... After that, the rest came also, only this time it was not so lucky lah as the ghosts sprang up very suddenly and spontaneously also... They were scared!!!! HAHAHAHAHA...( So evil of me...) The bad thing was that Suthes's phone got lost in that fright... He had to go back in after the event just to find his phone... We waited for him with the hope that he finds the phone... Luckily he did! After that, Avin, Jim, Jeanette, Santhi, Michelle and I went for supper... Guess what we ate........ Burger lah of course!!! We talked as we were eating and time passed just like that... So, at around 1.30 , we called it a night lah because we have to study and finish some assignments also... Well, that pretty much sums it all... So, till next time, chow!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 7/17/2008 2 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
First Time Blogging In The Library...
Actually, this action is forbidden because the PC s in the library are used for web surfing purposes only, not blogging and chatting.. But, What The Hell!!! Who cares, I'm using this now for blogging and I don't see anybody chasing me for doing this... Hahahaha, well, I'm kinda bored right now, so instead of doing something else, I decided to type crap here... Besides all this, the semester exams are really around the corner, it's only about 3 more weeks and I'm still not prepared for that shit!!! However, the most annoying thing that's on my mind now is the stupid MPW presentation that I'll have to finish by this Tuesday or I'll fail in my MPW test because it stands quite a lot of marks... If I fail the test, I'll loose my scholarship, and if I loose this scholarship, my parents will be killing me and even skin me alive... Well, that's it folks, till next time, bye!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 7/16/2008 2 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
5 Weeks To Go Till Semester Break, But Till Then...
It's 1.04a.m. now and I'm sitting on my chair in my hostel room. When I glance outside, it's as though the world clock has been turned upside down. For God's sake, it's after 1!!! There are still people walking around, discussing stuff with friends, while some of them are hugging and getting snoggy here and there( You call that love? That is certainly not in my context of the word !!!) College is college! After some 10 weeks here, my life has completely changed, and I hope it's for the better, not the other way round... I've been studying late night( will never ever do that at home!), then, go for supper at like 2a.m.(well, at home, i'll be doing that in my dreams lah!), play basketball till 1a.m( like the previous one, in my dreams if I'm at home) and some other stupid stuff that nobody will even care to know about...LOL!
It's week 10 now. We had like a test, a couple of assignments and some quiz for every subject. Well, in 3 weeks time, it will be the semester exams!!! People, the time is really flying in college man!!! OK! Lets don't get that far, today's Thursday and Chemistry test 2 is like 13 hours later, so if you ask me whether am I ready for it, haha, you'll expect the same lame normal answer lah...( He..., no no not hell no again, it's 'what the freak! Freaking heck no'!!!). Next week will be pretty hectic, because MPW test is on Tuesday, then, Chemistry test on Friday... Well, I'm going home this week, which makes matters worse!( will never study at home) I can't avoid this trip home and stay here in INTI because of my stupid alarm clock, which went dead on Tuesday! Plus, I'm currently out of cash too... Haiz... When I suddenly think about this, it seems that time goes by pretty fast and I'm starting to miss the days when both of my good friends were still in INTI, Kevin and Ron... Sadly, they have left. I miss the COD lessons days, the night burger days, and the CS in CC days too, where Patrick and Kevin completely conquered the games with ease...
Haha, well I think that's it for this morning, I'm also a little on the sleepy side here, proven by the lack of humour in this post... So, tada... Don't worry, will continue when I have things interesting stuff that's worth to have a place in this webpage...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 6/25/2008 1 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Too Stressed Up
Didn't do my assignment and report that is dued today. So, woke up a bit earlier than normal to finish the thing, unfortunately, I reslept and woke up at 7.40... The class is at 8, so I didn't bother showering since it's kinda late. After coming out of my hostel block, saw Mahen, Sharon and Iyngaran...Caught up with them and we walked together to class... Once I reached class, luckily Ms. Yap wasn't there yet, so I started to complete my Chemistry assignment and also some small parts in my report... 8.04, our Ms. Yap came in the class with a straight face.( We thought we're gonna be toast, because normally, if she comes to class with this kinda face, it means trouble!). However, she acted normal and was as cheerful as usual...Thank God!!!
After BIO class, it's a 2 hours break before MPW... So, I decided to follow Shiva and Ruban to the nearby petrol station to fill up Syafiq's car... That short trip almost broke my backbone since the rear part of the car is suspension-less... Shiva was driving like the wind, he drove at quite a steady pace, but there are some times where he thought he's Lewis Hamilton... The small Kelisa nearly tipped over, but thanks to our weight, we're still alive!
Later, at 11.30, we're supposed to be waiting at the sidewalk cafe before going for MPW class... Shiva and Ruban came late, cost us our lunch because by the time they came, it's 11.56 already, so no choice but to go for MPW... I did my Chemistry revision during the 2 hour class...( Still not remembering the assignmnet and report that I'm supposed to hand in to teacher) After the class, I'm free but Shiva, Ruban and Harpreet have Physics class, so I went back to my hostel alone. 5 minutes after came in the room, I remembered about the things I supposed to pass up!!!( Wat to do... had to run back lor!!!) Put my bag down, took the 2 pieccs of paper and got out of the room immediately. I took like around 5 minutes to get to Ms. Gladys and Mr. Liam...( Phew, I ran like mad!!!) Was sweating like some kinda buffalo though... Then, saw Ruban , Shiva and company playing pool in the campus pool centre, was pissed because they didn't call me for the game. I played a few games and then went back to my room... So, here I am, blogging again...
This Friday would be my Chemistry test!!! And I haven't really learn some of the things that I supposed to know because I was not in class the other day! It will defintely be total chaos if I don't do something about that before Friday... Besides that, next Monday would be Statistics test... For this, I'm not very worried and need to revise the work that I done earlier, that's all. Next Tuesday is Biology test, well, I promised myself and Ms. Yap to score in this test... So, the pressure is there for me... Now... I'm too tensed up to type anyting anymore..... So... till next time, BYE!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 6/10/2008 0 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Shitty "Friend"...
Frankly, I don't know why I login to blogger now... It's Saturday, for many, it's HURRAY!!! But that is not the case for me. I didn't go back to Malacca this week, so I have to spend my weekend here, in INTI... Well, it is FREAKING BORING!!! There's nothing to do here, except... eeerrrrrrmmmmmm... let me see..... uh.... NOTHING!!! I think that's the reason I decided to blog now.
Let's see, the ultimate reason for the title is Richard, this guy we met and knew in INTI... I regret that!!! For others who want to know Richard, you've been warned. He is the dumbest, stupidest, dirtiest, most anoying, short piece of shit that I've ever met!!! Whenever he approach you, you'll have that I-made-friends-with-an-asshole-kinda feeling! You know what I mean???!!! Fortunately, I'm not the only one who hate him, we have sort of like an Anti-Richard army in INTI here. In Malaysian Studies, we decided to play Richard out and make him the class rep for MPW class. So, when MR. Lee asked for volunteers, we made Richard stand up... Great!!! He became the class rep, mission achieved! Unfortunately, this position made him super arrogant and he thinks that he's at the top of the world. He even thought that he's the most famous guy in INTI!!! OMG, you know how shitty that is???!!!
Next, this idiot auditioned for INTI Idol 2008. He thinks that he can sing really well. I know many people have heard me say this numerous times before, but still I have to state it here... OK!!! MY FART IS TEN TIMES BETTER THAN HIS VOICE!!! Not kidding here I'm really serious... If you wanna kill somebody, just bring that person to Richard and ask him to sing. Instant death guaranteed!!! His voice can be put to good use in animal conservation programmes only... You know, to ensure the survival of endangered species, well, people can use his voice to attract female walruses for mating!!! LOL!!! To fans of wildlife documentary, if you have heard the sound of elephants mating, then you'll get a picture of what I'm saying here. After the auditioned, the judges said that he looked like charcoal. Well, to me, he sounded like my grandpa constipating!!! LMAO!!! He didn't make it to the second audition... Hehe...Thank god!
Well, during the 2nd Idol auditions, Shiva, Shaun, Mahen, Patrick, Vivian, Low, Syafiq, Ruban, and me supported Iyngaran. Iyngaran's a very good singer, very talented actually, if he ever come to my church, my pastor will make him a soloist straight away. I don't know why he keep on saying that I'm alot better than him, he's just being modest I guess...He's so good!!! OK, back to the auditions... 5 minutes into the auditions, Richard came... Almost instantly all of our moods changed. He came and sat right beside me!!! Carrying a beg of fried chicken and some chips.Then, few seconds later, 4 girls came to sit in our row to fill up the seats, they sat beside Richard. They're quite cute, so Richard started to act macho and cool lah... Eating very politely and stuff like that... During the auditions, Mahen told me to check out a girl sitting at the other end of the hall, so I looked... Well, Richard acted cool and asked me to shut up.. I was like ... WHAT???!!! I don;t know why he said that, but I think he thought that I want to tease him or something like that... So, I asked him what's wrong, he said something like this :" SHUT UP!!! I know you wanna say something bad about me, so shut up!" He said that to me facing down man, acting cool in front of the girls... I was so damn angry with him, if the girls weren't there and the hall's empty, I'm sure that I have already rearranged his face!!!
Fuh!!! Just talking about Richard makes my blood pressure rise like mad... Well, I think that's it lah... Will blog later, ciao...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 6/07/2008 4 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Feeling Good...
Finally, I got to update my blog in campus, thanks to the better internet connection. Well, talking about that, the improvements are still minimal, I still prefer to surf the web in the campus'Cyber Cafe than doing this in my room.
Today, David Cook won American Idol. YAY!!! I'm not jumping up and down of my chair though. I expected the other David to win, but I'm still happy with the results... David C totally deserves the title, he's a very good singer and a very nice yet humble guy. At the start of the Top 24 on this years American Idol, I predicted that the 3 Davids will be the top 3, but, sadly David Hernandez was the first one to get eliminated in the Top 12... I don't know how others think about him, but he's one of the best in the show to me... He have perfect pitch and that's kinda hard to get in a singer,besides that, his vibratos are also very clear and distinct, which is a good thing but America voted him out the first week of Top 12... This... I have nothing to say.
Let's turn the topic to David Archuleta... He have the looks, the voice and the humble attitude to be the toughest one to beat in this competition. However, America has made it's choice and it ain't little David winning the title. Although he didn't win, I bet that he'll do better than David Cook in the future... After some vocal paralysis he gone through, he did a great job in reaching this far into the competition...
While posting this, I'm doing my Biology report. Hehe, it's kinda hard to concentrate and multi-task at the same time. So, it's the end of the post people. Don't worry, I will update this thingy more often now, so... Bye!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 5/22/2008 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Lil' Update
After some 3 weeks in college, life there's not as bad as I expected. As a matter of fact, I've started enjoying the life there, though I still prefer staying at home... It's a good thing that some of my good friends are there, without them, I don't think I can survive this long, hehehe... Pertaining to my previous post, I'm quite ok with the 'cage' that I'm currently living in, the toilets and bathrooms are quite clean, but my bed is a little noisy, that's all.
I took only 3 science subjects, so it's a bit relaxing there, unlike Shiva, Shaun and Shareen, 3 of them took 4 and their schedule are hectic as hell. My lecturers there are very nice. Unlike teachers in secondary school, the people there are much cooler... My personal favourite is Ms. Yap Sia Yen( I think i got the correct spelling), she's my Biology lecturer, a very bubbly and funny person, but most of all, she's hardworking and nice... I was chosen to be the class representative for my Chemistry class.. I was quite glad at first because I heard I'm gonna get a certificate at the end of the programme, but after the 17 sets of 500-pages books I photocopied the other day, and the RM340 I have to pay, I feel like dropping the post.. Hehe... However, some joker said that perseverance is the key to success, so I have to endure this constant suffering untill the end of the semester.( That's what I'm hoping for, I don't wanna be the class rep. for the whole duration of the programme!)
Well, did I mention about the girls there??? Wu hu..... You can actually find model and bikini babe potentials in there. I'm not kidding here!!! They are smoking hot people!!! And the basketball there.... IT'S INTERNATIONAL STANDARD man!!! They play like the people in NBA, you know, the africans especially, they are tall and muscular, every single african INTI player there can dunk!!! Not kidding either, with my skills I learned from playing basketball in my taman here, I stand no chance against them...
I have a feeling that everyone that have read this will be dissapointed because of the lack of humour and solidification of the events in INTI. Well, I'm in a hurry while typing this, so expect more in my next post... That's all folks, ciao...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 5/18/2008 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Last Night In Malacca...
This will be my last post for quite some time because I may not be bringing my laptop to INTI for the first few weeks, due to the fact that there're some "rapper- cum-killer" looking guys staying in my hostel block there, plus it's only a few rooms away. My dad and I went up to the college this Thursday, for my enrollment actually. We took a slow ride and reached there at about 11.30 a.m. After paying all the necessary stuff, we got my room key. Feeling excited yet nervous, we walked to my hostel. It was a total blunder to walk (my block is about 1km from the car pack), but since it's good exercise, so.... why not??? I was sweating by the time we reached my block, Lincoln. Nice name, but I don't prefer my block to be named after a dead president! Well, the outer side of the block seemed nice, clean and tidy; but as soon as we stepped in the place........................
Haha, it's clean also, but that's only the first floor leading to the stairway, and nobody's staying there.LOL... The horror story started on the second floor. It looked like the little hut you'll find in a zoo, u know the place where you'll see a big tray of fresh bananas and some water......... I mean the place where they keep the chimps!!! Rubbish was flying, pails full of yellowish liquid are insight everywhere( I hoped it's not what I tought it was), and some pieces of racked and dirty UNDERWEAR!!! After I saw everything, my instinct told me to get away from there, so... the little nerves from my brain took over my whole body, and I made a full 360 degrees turn, to go back downstairs, i swear it was really involuntary! (I just turned without knowing what I was doing!!!) My dad looked surprised at first, but later he said in a very stable tone " THIS IS COLLEGE LIFE, MAN". Come on, don't you think college students should be more disciplined???!!!
Ok, it's to my room now. Actually they're quite good because somebody was in my room before we came to clean it. It was clean allright, but the size of that room... The measurements from the brochure we got stated that it's 3.5mx 4.5m. Well, complete bullshit!!! It's half the size of my bathroom here! But the bed, the table and the cupboard were in good condition though...
That's about it, I had a great time yesterday with a few of my friends, like Richmund, Sharon and Irfan. We watched Forbidden Kingdom in MBO cinemas. The movie's good and funny. Later, we hang out in Parkson and then went across the street to Jaya Jusco, just to find some tissue paper for Irfan. Later, we had a good chat about the movie" Shutter" in The Coffee Bean until like 11.30, then I had to leave because I had to pack my bags for INTI.
So..... that's it. After one and a half years in INTI, I think I will continue my studies and get my degree in IMU. Then, if whoever comes up to me and ask me how's my stay in INTI and whether I'll be goin back there...... (Oklah, even if a super hot girl do that) I'll go near her...... hold her hands......bring her nearer to me...... look her really deep in the eyes...... let her listen closely to the sound of my breath...... Then, I'll say the magic words.................................................................................(more like shout) HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 4/26/2008 0 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
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Posted by Hyperdiablo at 4/19/2008 0 comments
Final Days In Malacca, THE Town To Be In...
Yay! Just passed my JPJ test on Thursday! Many people out there may not know this, but I was told that I'm the only person in Malacca to pass my JPJ test twice!!! Haha, thanks to my instructor for losing my test card.
Well, my enrolment to INTI-UC is on the 24th this month, so when I reach there, I have to settle my merit scholarship stuff, meet the head of my programme, Mr. Siao I think...(Hope I don't become siao! And talking about being the head of this faculty, this guy really have a big, bald, and shiny head!!!) Then, I will be staying there on the 27th until the end of next year. (So, to all my friends who want to catch a movie with me or something like that, unfortunately I can't, you have been told) There's a lot of things running through my head at the moment,still can't get them out of there, always worried about the A levels tests, the food I'm gonna eat there, the things I'm gonna do during my free time, etc. Well, I guest I have to just shove them aside and enjoy my last days in Malacca before I'm gone forever!!!! Lol.
Sadly, I have to leave my beloved choir aside too. I've been working with them since I was 14, so this is gonna be hard. Tomorrow will be my last performance here, so I hope I can pull it off. To Christopher, who's taking my place as main soloist, I wish you all the best. (Chris, we are a gospel choir, so don't tip to your falsetto too often, please, and you have to be stronger in your vibrattos, otherwise people will be asking me why I picked you!!!)
So, that's it people, still have plenty of time left till I leave for INTI, so Danielle, you don't have to pull a party for me!!! Hahaha.... Because INTI's in Nilai, so it's kinda near to KL, which means that I can go to your place more often, and we can hang out together sometime...
That's it folks, nothing more to post here. Ciao...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 4/19/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Genuine Blog Revival With Some Traces Of Bad Luck
Well, everybody know what it means by genuine blog revival and I don't think that I have anything to say on that aspect. Hehe... I'm proud to announce that I'm back in the business of crazy blogging!!!* Yay, and the crowd goes wild, with people throwing flowers everywhere!!!* First and foremost, I would like to thank GOD for giving me this fat body, with a pair of hands and a brain to process information which I've posted here, secondly, I would like to thank my parents for constantly feeding me and also for this PC here. Thirdly, and most importantly, I would like to thank both Aaron and Sharon( wow, their names rhyme!) for pushing me hard to update my blog.* Let's get this started* Anyone that knew me should have a sense that the things I wrote here would be instant crap! Hehe, this time it's a little different folks. Well, let me start with the day I received my SPM results. I started my journey of dread from my house till I reached school 20 minutes later.LOL. I saw different faces at the front gate of school, some are happy, some look very sad, some look like they're gonna kill themselves 5 minutes later, and there are also some that looked stupid. *Oh!!! So harsh* Well, me??? Still look as cool as usual. Haha.. Why care so much about your results man!!! I met Jia Wei later,he told me that I got only 2As, like I'm going to believe that!!! Well, to be honest, that sent my heart pounding a lot harder, hehe... When I took my first step in the hall, I saw Mr. Khoo, our discipline teacher. Ok, I'm gonna write down everthing he said. " Raymond!!! Congrats ah!!! Wah, You got very good results ah!!" and then " Hows your results ah?" Lmao, he congratulated me before knowing my results, what the heck is wrong with this man??? Then, he brought me to a table, I thought it's my class table, so I took the only slip left because I was pretty late there. I looked at the results immediately, without looking at the name there. I counted, 1,2,3... uh? Only 3As???
i almost shouted the F word out loud, then I saw the name, it was Tan ... something!!! Hehe... Relieve!!! Relieve!!! Relieve!!! Then I saw my "pretty " class teacher, Ms. Shit,oops!!! Ms. Shik.(eeeeeww pretty??? not really, hahaha) She gave me my slip, this time I read the name, it's mine. Finally, now, the counting part. THANK GOD!!! 9 As, I know there are a lot of super smart people out there who would say "only 9 ah? I got 13 eh!!!" Haha, but I'm pretty thankful because I was never the "study like mad" type, I was quite the opposite, the " play like mad" type!!! Ok lah, That's for the Spm one, now it's the bad luck. I passed the JPJ test, but my stupid instructor lost my test card!!! This is the thing that I can't really handle. It's TMTH!!! Now i have to resit the test!!! Really sui!!! I don't think the test will be in this month, so sometime when I'm in INTI, I have to take the long ride down to Malacca to take my JPJ test! Haiz, this is life folks. Gotta go by the way, so that's it. Ciao...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 4/08/2008 0 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Awakening.
I woke up today and said to myself : "I'm going to revive my blog!!!". Well, here I am. Hehehe...... This thing has been asleep, or may I call DEAD for this past few weeks. Eversince the silent hell post, I've been playing games like no tomorrow, thus I forgotten all about this blog I have. Thanks to Aaron, I'm here again trying to make things better. My JPJ driving test will be held on the 24th of this month and until then I don't think I have anything else to say. At least I woke my blog up!!! Chow..
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 2/16/2008 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
Silent Hell!!!
Wow! It has been ages since the last time I updated my blog. Well, I've been playing online games and kinda forgotten this thing. What I meant by silent hell is that I've constantly endured long hours of extreme boredom at home. Eversince school reopened, I'm home alone all the time! Normally, I would wake up at about 9 in the morning, breakfast, watch either Ellen or Oprah till 10, then watch some anime on Animax. On 11, I would sit in front of my pc playing Last Chaos till my ass burns. After that, I will turn on the TV again and watch Numbers till 3. Then, a Singaporean series till 4.30. After that, it's basketball at the nearby court till around 7. Later, dinner time and then off with the movies again. This is what I do almost everyday!!! Am I being a pig??!!! Talking about finding a job, transport's gonna be a huge problem. Yesterday, I took my pre-test at MSDC for my motorcycle license. It was creepy. Like I've said before, their vehicles are shit. So, u know what I've gone through again. This Saturday would be the time for my car pre-test! I'm not ready for it yet, hope I don't kill anyone on the road!!! So, to anyone out there, I'm seriously in need of your help on what to do (since I'm too free!). Well, I think that's all for now. Chow...
Posted by Hyperdiablo at 1/14/2008 0 comments