Currently reading ...

  • House Rules by Jodie Picoult

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Final Days In Malacca, THE Town To Be In...

Yay! Just passed my JPJ test on Thursday! Many people out there may not know this, but I was told that I'm the only person in Malacca to pass my JPJ test twice!!! Haha, thanks to my instructor for losing my test card.
Well, my enrolment to INTI-UC is on the 24th this month, so when I reach there, I have to settle my merit scholarship stuff, meet the head of my programme, Mr. Siao I think...(Hope I don't become siao! And talking about being the head of this faculty, this guy really have a big, bald, and shiny head!!!) Then, I will be staying there on the 27th until the end of next year. (So, to all my friends who want to catch a movie with me or something like that, unfortunately I can't, you have been told) There's a lot of things running through my head at the moment,still can't get them out of there, always worried about the A levels tests, the food I'm gonna eat there, the things I'm gonna do during my free time, etc. Well, I guest I have to just shove them aside and enjoy my last days in Malacca before I'm gone forever!!!! Lol.
Sadly, I have to leave my beloved choir aside too. I've been working with them since I was 14, so this is gonna be hard. Tomorrow will be my last performance here, so I hope I can pull it off. To Christopher, who's taking my place as main soloist, I wish you all the best. (Chris, we are a gospel choir, so don't tip to your falsetto too often, please, and you have to be stronger in your vibrattos, otherwise people will be asking me why I picked you!!!)
So, that's it people, still have plenty of time left till I leave for INTI, so Danielle, you don't have to pull a party for me!!! Hahaha.... Because INTI's in Nilai, so it's kinda near to KL, which means that I can go to your place more often, and we can hang out together sometime...
That's it folks, nothing more to post here. Ciao...