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  • House Rules by Jodie Picoult

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Strange thing, time. It weighs most significant on those who have it least. Nothing is lighter than being young with the world on your shoulders; it gives you the feeling of possibility so seductive, you know there must be something more important you could be doing than studying for exams.

That summed up my thoughts during the days in college. Ample time is not a privilege for students like us, especially the ones as playful and lazy as I am. As exam pressure slowly builds up, everyday seemed so bland! The law of attraction ( as I've learned from The Secret ) tells us to think of what we want, positivity is vital, and the slight bit of negativity in mind will result in the most undesired circumstances. As ridiculous as it may sound, I have put in effort into deep, positive thoughts; I've woke up in the morning with nothing but positive thinking in mind and a fresh spirit so ready to conquer the day ahead by storm. However, with the limitless stress and educational concerns constantly battering our somewhat powerless young minds, positive thinking has turned out to be something only reachable within the heads of strong spiritual gurus, and not severely f*&ked up college brats! It would be a gross understatement to say that we plough through the days without the tiniest bit of desirable mood level.

Why is it that us, as students, have to bear with this? Since the beginning of this new millennium, the niche of gaining formal education has been painfully tattooed across our minds. Can we handle the future without education? Can we gain trust and recognition from other aspects than just studies?

Yes! Why not?! But, it will not be easy... Formal education is the simplest alternative to leading the harsh future!

I might have hated the exam days and the endless sitting-in-the-library-and-study-days, but I just realized that it was all worth the while.

Why the post? I got bored:p So till next time! Chow...