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  • House Rules by Jodie Picoult

Friday, August 31, 2007

St. David's Championship

On this particular day, we had (i mean our class) 4 periods free to ourselves. So, what else,........MAIN LAH!!! We started off quite ok with Kai Loon almost kicking the ball out of the building. Then Aaron came in. Haha..........He was like a monster, I mean he can really play but he's just vicious during the game. A few minutes after that, the ball got out of reach and it went down (and i mean 4 storeys down), it landed right in front of Hassan a.k.a Janggut!!! Bloody hell, he asked us to go to his office but luckily he saw me by the wall only, not the others. The stupid Way Ming took our Malaysian flag and waved it right beside me when Hassan was looking up! I almost killed him, he don't even know when is the time to stop being funny!Then, our heroes, Rasyidi and Aaron went down to see Hassan. We waited for them upstairs, hoped that they will be allright. After that, they came out and pretended that they got hanged.....ooops, sorry, it's "gantung" for 3 days. We almost fell for it when Aaron told us that they were ok, no actions were taken!!! Haha.... It was pure relieve for all of us. Well, that's it and there's nothing else to write now, chow!


RONdeBEN said...

I just watched that video. And for u guys info.. the ball stuck at that roof was my doings.. Well, I can say it's a probability of 0.0000001% that the ball actually jumped & landed there so accurately. Other times, it would simply fly off the building. LOL...

Hey raymond, u didn't explain the part where Rasyidi & Aaron got prosecuted by Hassan.. Aaron made the real version more suspend & tension.. Made u guys get cold sweat & butterflies in ur stomachs.. Wakakakakaka...

Carolyn said...
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Carolyn said...

How did u manage to record it down? By using Kai Loon's phone? And who went and "jolok" the ball up? I thought u said the ball jatuh?

RONdeBEN said...

The ball jatuh by the side of the roof. This is thanks to my coincidentally kick which made it land there. Other times, it would simply fly off the building. Wakakakakakaka!

Anonymous said...

omg omg... i used to skip class n hang around that place... =P
miss those time...