Currently reading ...

  • House Rules by Jodie Picoult

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Nothing To Do

Today, I woke up pretty early compared to other days. Well, I was forced to study because the stupid SPM exam is just around the corner!!! My mom was like a mean machine, pushing me to study, study, and study. That's just crazy! I even argued and sacrifised my time cleaning the tortoise container just to use my PC. Cleaning was supposed to be my sister's job!!! I have tuition tonight too. So, I barely have time to relax. Luckily I'm watching Ratatouille( check the spelling) tomorrow, it's that "rat being a cook" movie. LAME!!! I'm currently experiencing very intense stress! What to do, exams coming!!! That's all for today, will blog later!Bye!!!