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Friday, May 21, 2010

Bowersox vs. Dewyze for AI 2010... Ohhhh yeahhhh...

     So long Casey...

     Although Casey wasn't my favourite singer, he no doubt has character... Being nice, good-looking and talented, he's every girl's dream guy...
     Watching him croon Daughters by John Mayer on Thursday with a young girl in his hands made us kinda sad... All those fond memories of him being made fun with Kara and that first audition where he had to get half-naked upon Kara's request feels very nostalgic... It's like those events had happened so far in the past though it has been only a bunch of weeks back...

     But nevermind that, because Lee and Crystal are gonna battle it out in the finale!!! Yay!!!

     Now that these 2 are finally fighting for the title, I don't mind who wins this at all... So yeah, good luck to both of them in the finale:)


Ern T. said...

crystal should have won... dammit.

Hyperdiablo said...

It's ok, at least Lee gets his break this time... Crystal's a musician and he's a paint salesman, think he deserves it more... Hehe... But anyway, it's down to the fact that it's Simon's last year and it's so freaking sadddddd....

Anonymous said...