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  • House Rules by Jodie Picoult

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Raya Holidays

Haha..... It's the time of the year again, where the Malays make ketupats and rendang . Parents will give their children the so-called 'green' pau. That's right, it's Hari Raya again in the lovely country of Malaysia. While other people get to have fun during Raya, the SPM candidates suffer in silence.................... Wait, I don't mean silence, it's like suffering in HELL!!! Since I did not fair in my trials, it's time to work exceptionally hard now. I believe all of us would take this time to study like mad! This nervousness, excitement, and dreams of the days after SPM are kinda boiling inside of me. I felt like getting this exam over as quick as possible, but I don't want to fail badly in it. My brain and soul can hardly contain all of these mixed feelings inside.Hah.............. I think that's all for today. And to my Malay friends, Selamat Hari Raya!!!