Currently reading ...

  • House Rules by Jodie Picoult

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What The Fog?!...

After a nice hearty dinner at our 'signature' eatery - INTI Dining Hall, I came back to my room just in time to take a quick shower with a plan to continue my preparations for Chemistry later tonight...

BUT, this guy here did not do that.... No, he decided to get to Facebook for his Mafia Wars first....

So, after increasing 2 levels, he finally put his pc on standby and went to shower...

When he was showering, he heard a sound, something like a loud bang... O...k... It was just a loud bang, nothing much right?

Wrong! The bang was actually caused by the fogging machine... Some guy started the machine just in time when I was showering... Determined not to get trapped in the washroom again, I rushed myself and was done bathing in 5 minutes...

Just when I thought I was safe in my room, then only I realised that there are still shampoo on my hair!( I was shampooing when I heard the bang, so I rushed my bath without knowing that I washed my hair today)

What to do?! I went back into the washroom to clean it all up...

After rinsing everything off, I went back to my room... But the moment I stood out of the washroom, the whole place was foggy... The smells, the sight, everything was terrible!

I managed to get into my room and everything was fine again, it's just that the whole place smells like burnt rubber now...

Ok, that's all, gotta go now...

P.s: I'm blogging just to wait for the fog to subside, and now that the coast is clear, I'm good to go:)


Josh said...

lol??...fog machine????

Hyperdiablo said...

Yeap:) They fog the place all the time man...