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Monday, August 25, 2008

Reverse Inspiration

Anybody heard about this before? Well, I derived this term from my big numbing mind here. Well, Mel, this is your post.... Ok!!!???
Everybody, this post is entirely dedicated to my dear friend, Melanie Oh. I'm sure people in STSD know her. Yeah yeah, very popular lah... She's been the girl that had dated numerous guys that people can't think off, these ranges from Hans, Wang Shyun Cheng, Raymond Yeow....... and many more that I can't think of at this moment... LOL! Well, some of these people are real, but some are just rumors, its' up to you guys to decipher and deviate the truth... This girl was also famous for her show-stopping body, she has the height and the likes to be a model( Friends out there should know what I mean)...
Guys out there, I know many of you wanna date her and even have her as your girlfriend, but the thing is...... she's taken. LOL! The lucky guy is my good friend too, he's not to be messed with, he's not to be fondled with, he is the ever quick fencer, the one that can strip you off your boxers if you come too close to his blade... Haha, yes of course... He's Ruihan. Mel's one and only sweetheart. One of them is in Malaysia and the other one in Singapore... Imagine that, even I can't go on with a long distance relationship like that... This kinda thingy defines the term people!!! Danielle baby, even with you in KL making me miss you so much... Wanna meet you soon...
OK! Let's move on to the meaning of this title. Melanie have never blogged before... She started only last week... But if anyone of you wanna check out her blog, it's in my links... So better go check out and comment! I won't be surprised that her blog will win your heart in a matter of seconds... This had inspired me to blog better. Look at this thing here, it's been around for a while, but it's like a zombie blog... Half alive and all... So, this is what I meant by reverse inspiration. According to Mel, she said I inspired her to start a blog, however, she managed her blog very very nicely. So, now, she inspired me to keep my blog alive...
Well, folks, that's it. Mel... This is the post you were asking for,happy now???!!!


XY said...

awww... thank u my dear raymond for such a sweet post. :)

public disclaimer : i dont date numerous guys. thats so untrue.

well... i think this is the BEST post in ur blog..... XD

XY said...

owh.. and danielle baby... someone didnt tell me story huh..... looks like im out dated already....

Hyperdiablo said...

hey come on, u go on wit ur darling ok... Dun go around asking for stories. I remember I told u before, its just tat u have forgotten mah. Aiyo... Well, bout the best post, I might wanna change the thing a little bit lah... Hehehe, but at the moment, I have to agree wit u lah before u cancel my post... thx for the comment btw, ty my dear Mel...