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  • House Rules by Jodie Picoult

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Getting Very Furious With Stuff!!!

As the title suggests, I'm very very angry right now. Today, I was delighted that I finally went for my "Ujian Undang-undang". ( It's something to do with my driving license.) But things came to a full turn when I had to wait 3 hours just to sit down in front of a wrecked out old computer nd click some stuff. When I reached the "Pusat Ujian", there were almost a trillion people lining up just to sit for the stupid test. My instincts told me that this is gonna be hell of a long wait, BUT I DIDN'T EXPECTED TO WAIT FOR 3 PAINFUL HOURS!!!!!!!!!!! After all the waiting, I went into the "secret room" and did my test, I felt like I was in Antartica in that room. They didn't realy know how to adjust the temperature of the air-conditioner. Oh god, I came out about 10 minutes later with my results and a whole body of frozen meat! Luckily, I passed! Got 42 out of 50. I don't know how I got that score since I didn't even study for the test. Well, I think that's all for today. Later.......